Construction Consulting
Get the same Construction Expert AJ Osborne hired for his Developments
Let's Get Started
We brought our development team in-house so you can work with them too
Concerned about the labyrinth of building regulations and zoning codes? It can be intimidating, indeed. But this is where our expertise comes into play, helping to untangle complexities and accelerate the approval process, providing you with valuable peace of mind.
Today's self-storage industry is about more than just storage - it's about providing a safe, high-tech haven that earns user trust. In an era where customer loyalty is the ultimate victory, our aim is to equip your facility with the latest technology to enhance user experience.
With our expert construction consulting services, you're not merely building a facility. You're creating a pivotal stepping stone towards a potentially prosperous future in the self-storage industry.
Take the leap with us today for your next storage development. Our team will help you navigate the journey from uncertainty to confidence in the self-storage landscape every step of the way.
What's included

Initial Consulting Services
Our Construction Consulting Services include the following:
- Advising on all projects
- Review of construction drawings & documents
- Reviewing bids specific to the scope of work
- Contract Negotiation
- Project coordination and execution
- Construction schedules
- Coordination with General Contractors and Design Team
- Warranty and close out

Advising on all projects
The Consultant will review all projects and project opportunities presented by the CCC team to advise on costs, constructability, and schedule. This will give our team the edge to make decisions on potential work earlier on in the process. Less time wasted on projects that would not work.

Review of Construction Drawings & Documents
The Consultant will review all details in the construction documents. This will be the drawings, contracts, permits, etc. Upon review we will be able to look at the details of constructability and schedules.

Reviewing bids specific to scope of work
The Consultant will go through the bid line item by line time and verify that all work has been covered by the bid. He will use the drawings to verify that the bid matches all work related to the drawings.

Contract Negotiation
The Consultant will negotiate the cost of the project with general contractors to ensure we are not overpaying for services. He will also establish the contract type that works best for any given situation.

Project Coordination & Execution
The Consultant will coordinate the schedule and physical construction with the general contractor. He will meet with the contractor on a regular basis and ensure that the work is completed on time and on budget. He will maintain a high level of quality control throughout the project.

Construction schedules
The Consultant will review the construction schedule to ensure that it is fair and work is completed in a timely manner.

Coordination with General Contractors and Design Team
The Consultant will work directly with the contractors and the design team to ensure delivery of project as drawn by the design team. He will be available throughout the project to ensure that all variables that come up will be addressed and resolved to keep the project moving forward.

Warranty and Close Out
The Consultant will oversee and coordinate any warranty issues that may arise after the project was completed. Each issue will be reviewed and determined if it is warranty work of not. He will also collect and maintain the Close Out documents for all each project respectively.
Contact Us
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