Book Giveaway!

PurchaseĀ ANY version of the book and get our Self Storage Income Foundation Course ($2000 value) for FREE!

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Learn how to qualify:

Step 1:

PurchaseĀ any version of the book on Amazon.

Buy the Book

Step 2:

Leave a review and find your favorite excerpt or chart in the book ā€“ screenshot both!

Step 3:

Submit the form below and attached the files

Whatā€™s inside the Self Storage Foundation Course ($2000 Value)?

  • 6+ hours of content
  • 25+ Instructional Videos
  • 7 Comprehensive Modules
  • Actionable Homework to Stay on Track
  • Downloadable and Editable Files and Guides
Buy the Book

Rules and Regulations

  • Giveaway Ends June 21st @ 11:59pm ET
  • Self Storage Income Foundation Course granted upon verification of entrant (please allow 3-5 business days)
  • Questions? Email [email protected]