246. Self Storage vs. Rental Property Investing (It’s Not Even Close)

Season #1

Self storage investing vs. multifamily investing: Which wins in 2024? With the popularity of rental property investing rising over the past few years, competition has remained hot for beginner investments like duplexes, small multifamily properties, and house hacks. But if you’re looking to grow your money the most, is self storage a better pick? Would you rather deal with a few tenants and toilets or hundreds of customers simultaneously?

We’re breaking down each of these investments piece by piece, from the prices to buy each investment property to raising the property value, cash flow, evictions, auctions, competition, appreciation, and more. Both self storage and multifamily real estate have huge benefits for those willing to put in the work, but is the stress of a midnight toilet call from your tenant worth the benefits that residential real estate provides? 

Plus, if you think you don’t have the money to buy a commercial real estate investment, think again. We’ll share examples in this episode of how you can buy a self storage facility for less than a duplex in your area. Don’t believe us? Stick around, and we’ll show you precisely what we mean!

What you’ll learn in today’s show:

  • Residential real estate vs. self storage investing and which is a better buy in 2024
  • Property price differences and how it may be even cheaper to buy a self storage facility in your area
  • More units = more problems? Why it’s easier to have a hundred customers than ten tenants 
  • Evicting tenants and the considerable benefit self storage has that multifamily can’t beat 
  • Forced appreciation and how to use self storage to boost your wealth
  • Multifamily vs self storage competition and which is easier to buy in today’s market