285. How RV Rentals Can Boost Your Storage Revenue in 2025 w/Garr Russell & Mark Beasley
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What’s one of the best ways to make more money with your current storage facility? You’ve probably already considered tenant protection insurance, selling moving supplies, or building more units to boost your income, but what about hosting RV rentals? RV self storage isn’t new, and many storage owners have already caught onto the fact that RV and boat parking can bring in considerable revenue without building more units. But what if, like U-Haul trucks, you become the operator for RV rentals all from your storage facility?
Garr Russell and Mark Beasley from Fireside RV Rental are making this income stream dream a reality for self storage owners all across the country. As a self storage owner, you can get a cut of the revenue by providing parking and pickup space for RV owners renting out their vehicles. If you’ve got parking and an operator who can handle on-site rentals, you might have everything you need to increase your facility’s income.
So, how does it work? Which storage facilities can get in on it? And is it worth the small amount of effort? Garr and Mark walk through the entire process and why this may be the ultimate win-win-win for storage operators, RV owners, and RV renters, resulting in more money from the same self storage facility!
What you’ll learn in today’s show:
- Why RV self storage is a no-brainer for those with storage facilities and extra space
- What you’ll need to start renting out RVs from your self storage facility
- How much the RV owner and self storage facility can make through these rentals
- The reason this business model is booming and why it’s a perfect time for storage owners to get in
- How to make even more money off RV rentals by installing specific perks at your facility
Fireside RV Rental: https://firesidervrental.com/
My Wheel Estate Story: https://www.mywheelestatestory.com/freebook-v2