286. 6 Ways to Optimize Your Storage Facility with AI (Pricing, Revenue, Support)

Season #1

Can you use AI to run a self storage facility? Yes, and it can do it better than you can. Don’t worry; AI (artificial intelligence) won’t take your checks and put them into its artificial bank account. You’ll still keep all the profits. But, thanks to massive leaps in technology, you can use AI to streamline and optimize almost every part of your self storage business, from customer support to revenue management, drafting lease agreements, and even underwriting deals for you!

Today we’re sharing how we’re using AI in 2025 to boost our self storage profits, reduce our team’s busy work, and find opportunities for us. We’ll walk through the six ways AI can help any storage operator, whether they’re a large or small investor. We’re talking about operations, marketing, revenue management, customer retention, business strategy, and legal and compliance.

If you’ve got a couple of storage facilities and you’re running them by yourself, these integrations can help cut your workload in half so you have more time to focus on building your portfolio. For larger operators, we’ve seen these additions massively trim the busy work (and costs that come with it) we’re used to dealing with daily.

AI is a game-changer IF you use it the right way. Good news: we’re explaining exactly how to do that. 

What you’ll learn in today’s show:

  • How to use AI (artificial intelligence) to make MORE money from your facility with less work
  • Using AI to analyze key customer trends so you keep more monthly revenue 
  • Pinpointing the “gaps” in the market to beat out all other storage operators in the area
  • Getting more five-star customer reviews with a simple AI outreach template  
  • The one thing you MUST have a professional look over AFTER AI gives you a first draft 
  • AI investment analysis and underwriting so you can review deals even faster (and make moves on the best ones) 

Self Storage Income Newsletter  - https://www.selfstorageincome.com/ 

Nokē Smart Entry - https://www.janusintl.com/products/noke